[X]Sew a shirt
all i did was sew a hole in one of my shirts, but it counts!
[X]Make a bracelet out of buttons
[X]Get a sandal tan
i didnt take a picture, but i really did have one!
[X]Read the pearl of great price
finished in june(:
[X]Get new music
my favorite one!
[]Make a dress
prolly will never happen
[]Get a new quilt
this WILL happen, just for christmas
[X]Make a hair bow
technically, it wasnt lagoon, but it was an amusement park so it counts
[]Summer romance??
hahahaha ohhh man. i wish
[X]Go to summerfest!
ahh yes. summer fest. both nights of it really REALLY sucked
[]Have a sleepover on a hammock
maybe i learned my lesson from sleeping on the tramp last year
[X]Build a fort
ahh yes. i watched a really old movie about ballet
[X]Take a picture of myself a day
did that at camp!
[X]Go to a summer party
i went to lots of summer parties
[X]Run in the canyon
only did it once, but it was for an hour, and we ran 6 1/2 miles
[X]Run in the rain
again, only once, but it was awesome!
[X]Sports bra run
[X]Sports bra run
i did this while running at camp...:)
[]Make lemonade from scratch
me and nikki bought all the stuff for it, but got caught up making bracelets
[X]Eat pasta salad(:
[X]Take drivers ed
pretty sure i got an A
[X]Dye my streak
i took the purple off, because my mom hasnt taken me to get new dye, so i just dyed it blue
[X]Get feathers in my hair
i actually made feathers to put in my hair, but its the same thing right?
[X]Go one week without technology
[X]Go on a bike ride to the lake
me and haley rode our bikes, then ran to the lake
[X]Find a snake
[X]Go to jump on it
i went the very first day of summer
[]Get a pedicure
eventually i will go...
[X]Write a song on my guitar
want lyrics? mmk
(i was trying to write a song like skyscraper)
you know exactly what to do to make me bleed
and you know exactly what to do to make me speak
and her arms constantly around you make me see
that you know just what you are doing to me
so dont call me lovely
dont call me beautiful
baby im not yours
and you know
im not the kind of girl to be ignored
and if you hadnt forgotten me
right now i'd be yours
you, me, her, he
laughed untill we cried
just to see what it felt like
lovely, love me
hearts were intertwined
just to see what you felt like
lovely, hearts that were never meant to be
lovely is lonely to me
[X]Practice piano
i did it once or twice. im really good at playing apologize!
[X]Finish personal progresseven though im not all the way done, i have one project left, so i will count it as done
[X]Make popsicles with juice
[X]Make popsicles with juice
we made all kinds of popsicles! my favorite one was the one with red cream soda
[X]Go school shopping
i went school shopping lots. as you can tell, since i blog about it all the time
[X]Go to girls camp
it was the best year of all! snipe hunting was awesome, and testimony meeting ended at 10:00, instead of 1:00 like last year!
[X]Go to tucanos
me and nikki went to celebrate our 4.0 for the year. it was super fun and we got hit on bye all of the servers
[X]Make friendship bracelets
i actually managed to sleep in once or twice this summer, but woke up at 7 most of the days
[X]Write in my journal
[X]Write in my journal
i didnt struggle with writing like i did last summer
[X]Eat one of every fruit and vegetable
ive basically eaten all of them. i even ate a whole cantaloupe and tons of carrots
[X]Climb a tree
with my brothers
[X]Read scriptures every night
pretty much every night
i hiked at camp, and while in idaho. but thats it.
[X]Sleep underneath the stars
in coeur d'alene, the room that we slept in had a sky light, so i got to look at the stars
[]Watch the meteor shower
i totally missed it!
[]Go a month without fast food and sugar
i tried. i did!
[X]watch madagascar
both of them! in one day!
[X]tell someone off
it happened through text, but it definatly happened
[X]give a talk
yup! i gave a talk when the other people just described what happened. but ohhhh well
[]run a 7 minute mile
probably wont happen untill i get my shins fixed. my mile P.R. is 6:35
[X]sing by a campfire
[X]sing for a boy
i sing for my little brother all the time (:
[X] jump off a cliff
[X] go tubing
i went twice, one in utah lake, and once in coeur d'alene
[X] take a picture underwater
i would have it, if nikki would actually give me her camera!
... love you!
[X] dance in the rain
we danced, and ran around in the pouring rain. it was awesome
[X] eat otter pops
tons of otter pops
[X]face a fear
i faced a fear by running blistering bruin without trying to get out of it. i hate racing. really, i dont know why im in this sport.
Other things i did this summer!
i trimmed my hair. this doesnt seem like a big deal, but i hadnt trimmed it since september

Pulled an all nighter!
thats us at 5:30 a.m. waiting for the sun to rise!

Other things i did this summer!
i trimmed my hair. this doesnt seem like a big deal, but i hadnt trimmed it since september
Pulled an all nighter!
thats us at 5:30 a.m. waiting for the sun to rise!
found justin bieber at macys!
okay well!
started driving!!!!
got a horrible sunburn on my ear
found old glassesmy summer list is over!
school starts in four days!
does that not TERRIFY you?
it terrifies me!
imma go
p.s. ive been listening to this song the entire time ive been writing this
kay wow. this was long
i secretly know all the words to Super Bass, and rap along with it on a daily basis. good choice in music :)