Saturday, June 4, 2011

JuNiOrS (yes. it did require me obnoxoiusly writing it like that)

so. its official. i am now a junior! no more sophmores. no more boy crazed sophmores to be exact. landen tells me that this year is the year that we will all look back on when we are old. i want to make it the best year ever. which i THOUGHT sophmore year was going to be. was i wrong? completely. lets review

August. went to sophmore day. i made a bunch of friends. then they didnt talk to me again. gotta love highschool. it was weird getting used to highschool. our school is one big hallway, so its pretty easy to get around. but still. i had way more homework, and more responsibility. plus, i had to look cute ALL the time, instead of having lazy days like in jr. high when no one cared. me on the first day of school(:
September mostly consited of going to cross country practice. i ran the rookie race, and got 63rd out of like 300 girls. i felt pretty cool. i made new friends, and learned how to adjust to life in high school
October was full of drama. well, we all know what happened then. Orem lost to MV 33 - 0, and that was the worst night of my life. then i had a fabulous dance, where i cried, and my dad almost killed one of my friends (im just kidding. he wanted to though). jade and I had a lovely photo shoot. it was our last one ever. oh yeah. and this blog came about!
November was spent with nikki, damon, and adam. we had our little foursome, and were the best of friends. it was H.A.N.D (haley, adam, nikki, damon). my family had thanksgiving at my aunts house, and ate a ton. it was a way good month
December was okay. adam stopped hanging out with us. christmas came (obviously), and i got a lot of great things(: the highlight of that month was the cultures assembly. dont ask me why. it just was. i spent new years with sam, casey, and steven. it was a party. i also went snowmobiling for the first time. me and nicole also pulled our first all nighter! it was crazy.
January was the start of the new year. i tried to do no sugar, but a failed. nothing that exciting happened it january. it usually doesnt. 
February came with my first good valentines day. read this to see why. i counted down the days till my 16th birthday, and tried to heal my heart
March was spent at open gym. i was frantically trying to get my back handspring so i could try out for cheer. i would have made it. except someone was keeping up on my progress, and telling others that i was doing terribly, and the girls at the gym were mean, and i realized that i didnt want to deal with that the whole next year. so i quit two weeks before tryouts. lovely story right? right
April  was the month that i turned 16. so many things happened that month. my birthday, my first three dates, prom, stephs birthday party, sushi. probably the best, but most stressful, month so far. i also lost my studco elections. you would think that 3rd time would be the charm. but nope. its okay though. i will now be in NHS, OYC, the fashion board, ptsa, conbrio council, the stake dance committee, and i think thats all. my deal with myself was if i didnt make it on student council, i was going to do everything else. which i did (:. also. its not that great being sixteen. i mostly get asked out by guys that i dont want to go out with. the only person i actually want to go on a date with, will never, ever ask me. i know he wont. but oh well. i am perfectly fine with chilling at home instead of going on awkward dates.
May. I MADE IT! the whole month, no sugar. i chose the hardest month to not eat sugar. why? well. lets factor in a huge choir concert with three tables of sugar, a baby shower, a baby blessing, three young women eating activities, a cheer sleepover, my english teacher giving us ice cream, a choir party. enough reasons? it was heck. i made it though(: mostly because nikki used reverse psychology. i would be all : i cant do this! i need sugar! and she would say: HA! i knew you couldnt do it! then i would be all: 
and i wouldnt eat any(:

so yep. sophmore year sucked. a lot. anything that will happen during jr year will HAVE to be better. soo yep


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