Monday, February 14, 2011


OHHHkay. so today was valentines. during A1 i only got a rose from Nikki, and that made me feel way lame, so during second period i was thinking all about how i was going to write this post about how stupid Vday is. buuuutt then i found out that Dallin got me a rose that got lost, Jake got me a teddy, and Sam took me to Wendys. then my post was going to be about how much Vday rocks. But how stupid would it be if my whole view of the holiday changed JUST because i actually had a good one for once?  and seriously. my Vdays have sucked. in seventh grade i got to watch all my friends get poems from boys. in eigthth grade i got pushed down right in front of the boy i liked. in ninth grade the boy i liked gave a rose to one of my good friends right in front of me. soo excuse me if Vday is a sore subject. ive always seen it from one point of view. ive always been the girl that never gets a rose, and does the walk of shame through gift clad girls down the hallway while your hands are empty. its not like now that i have had a good Vday, that i am a fanatic. i still think its a dumb holiday. because i know. i know how it feels to do the walk of shame. and i dont think Vday will ever mean as much to me as it does for some other girls, the kinds of girls who are devastated when thier boyfriends dont go all out. even when i am married, i wont be the kind of girl who expects alot. maybe thats how its supposed to be? hating Vday for a long time has made me super low matainance. get me a teddy and i will carry it with pride all day. even so, i still think Vday is dumb. with all the interesting history behind it, you would think that we would be able to come up with a love holiday that doesnt make single people feel like crap. and take people just dont understand. they say "its only a day! you will make it through!" and then go home to their signifigant other. they just cant say that. they have the day to celebrate how great it is being taken, and us single ones just get a slap in the face reminding us how painfully single we are. so i think that taken people should suck it up. yeah, be happy in your takeness, but please, dont rub it in our faces. let us have one day out of 365 that we are allowed to complain and wonder why we arent taken. we suck it up so the taken people wont feel bad the rest of year. let us have one day to feel bad for ourselves, and we will let you be happy the rest of the year.
 so i read this book  to my little brother tonight, about a cat named splat that had a crush on a kitten. he made her a valentine, and it told her how he likes her on it. but he was scared to give it to him, because everytime she saw him, she pulled his ears and poked his belly, tied his tail and called him smelly. he was finally going to confess his love for her, when a bully at school found the card. the bully insisted that he liked the kitten more, and he had a huge valentine for her. now scrat didnt want to give kitten HIS valentine, so, discouraged, he put it in the trash. but after recieving the bully's valentine, kitten found scrats valentine in the garbage. then she handed scrat the valentine that she had made for him. it read : "your fur is soft, i like to stroke it. you make a silly noise in your belly, when i poke it. your tail's so bendy, it makes me laugh. and you smell really nice, when you've just had a bath." in the end, the two kitties get together. i thought this was the sweetest story ever. but looking deeper into it, i realized, girls almost never are as hard as you think they are. any boy can win over a girl by doing the right things. i have a list of things that i would love a boy to do for me. get me a surprise on valentines. kiss me in the rain. all of those cliche things. but wouldnt it be wonderful if one of those things actually happened? but yeah. the moral of this cute story is never let fear stop you from going after the person you love. you may be pleasantly surprise. also, girls never mean to be hard. all girls want a boy they can fall in love with. "the difference between girls and boys? boys make a girl think they love her when they really dont, and a girl makes a boy think she doesnt love him when she really does" sad but true. okay. so last of all. some of my favorite love songs:

1 comment:

  1. Haley, I know this is kind of late but I loved your post. Isn't it funny that all anyone really wants in life is to feel loved. Be patient. You will find love, just make sure you find it from the best person out there. Love from just anyone isn't what you are looking for.
