Tuesday, November 6, 2012


OKAY hi!

im sorry, im sure no one wants to talk anymore about politics, but i am peeved by the people on facebook

first of all, yes, i am as disapointed as you all are that a priesthood holder wont be running our country

but lets all remember that God knows what he is doing, and Romney wasnt the right thing for our country right now.

next, a ton of people are bashing on Obama and saying that they want to leave the country

people, do you not realize how freaking BLESSED you are to live in a country where you are allowed to bash on the president and not be tortured and punished for it?

no matter who runs this country, it is a huge blessing for all of us to be living here

America has not failed us, 50% of the population just believe differently than you do

im sure Democrats would be saying our country failed if Romney had won.

so ENOUGH bashing! lets all realize that we are incredibly lucky to be living in a country where we can choose who we want to lead us.

this isnt a post endorsing Obama or saying that i wanted him to win

all im saying is that as people who love our freedoms, lets at least support the man who is trying to keep us free

even if we didnt want him to win, i can imagine that it is hard to try to change things when almost fifty million people are openly and avidly hating you

keep calm and carry on (:

also, this post


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