Wednesday, September 12, 2012

100 things

hey guys!

i have REALLY been wanting to write a post like this or this, for like, a really long time!

i decided that since i recently joined mormon fashion bloggers i would write one!

mmmk so!

100 kind of unique-ish things about me!

1. My name is Haley Emma Sorensen
2. My first name means a pile of hay (exciting right?)
3. I love fashion
4. I am very good at school
5. My biggest accomplishment thus far is making it into Chamber Choir
6.I love music. Not just listening to it, but learning about it, and singing it, and feeling it.
7. I have never had a boyfriend.
8. I love red lipstick
9. My hair is naturally blonde, but I got sick of everyone calling me stupid so I went and dyed it black
10. I am a very sarcastic person
11. I have been asked to every boys choice dance (except sweethearts this year) since I turned 16
12. I have never been kissed, not even a little bit.
13. I am not popular, and I couldn’t care less. Honestly.
14. My favorite number is 14
15. I am an “all or nothing” kind of person
16. One of my biggest goals in life is to never judge anyone, ever.
17. I hate drama (I know everyone says that, but I really, truly, hate it and do everything I can to stay away from it.)
18. In my high school career I have lost two best friends.
19. I love wedges
20. I am a runner
21. I write songs when my emotions are overflowing
22. I am much smarter than I look
23. People are always surprised when I wear normal jeans
24. I feel fat all the time (what teenage girl doesn’t, I suppose)
25. I love to read, and I am almost always in the middle of a book
26. I am a senior in high school
27. I love dresses and skirts
28. I have a super secret part of me that is dying to be a wild child
29. I can never go to sleep early
30. I don’t think that being gay is wrong
31. I wear tank tops
32. I love diet soda
33. My favorite band is Snow Patrol
34. I love watching movies
35. 500 days of Summer is the best indie movie of all time (also the Art of Getting By)
36. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
37. I have 3 little brothers
38. I love clothes but hate trying them on
39. I love sushi
40. I am a realist
41. My favorite time of the day is the morning, but I am not a morning person
42. I have ridden in a hot air balloon
43. I love to drive when I am sad
44. I wish my blog was more famous
45. I love animals, and one day I will have a cat, a Pomeranian dog, a snake, and a whole bunch of fish
46. I prefer calling over texting
47. It always surprises me when people tell me I look cute
48. It takes a lot to make me feel really awkward
49. I can’t get enough of alternative music
50. But I do feel like a G when I listen to rap
51. I wish I was a young adult in the 1920’s
52. I hate the underside of my chin
53. I have the biggest booty I have ever seen on a white girl
54. I totally and completely suck at drawing
55. I will enter American Idol one day
56. I have ran for student council 3 times and never won
57. I love the beach with all my heart
58. One day I want to live in New York
59. I have a hard time making friends, but am fiercely loyal to the ones I do have
60. I would do anything for the people I love
61. I have faced very grueling trials
62. Whenever I have money I always want to spend it
63. I have read the whole Book of Mormon
64. I have only cried in front of people other than my family (or bffs) once
65. I completely adore the name Oliver
66.  Rashes freak me the heck out
67. I have a hard time forgiving people
68. I wish I could play the guitar
69. I have run a 6:35 minute mile (and I ALMOST beat Marcy Fuller!)
70. I know that there is life after death.
71. I love color
72. I hate being similar to anyone
73. I honestly don’t know if anyone will want to marry me
74. I learn things really easily
75. I like poetry, but I hate the word poem
76.  I have strived for 4 years to get a scholarship and this year I will finally see the fruits of my labor!
77. I am actually really funny
78.I have been betrayed by someone I loved
79. My worst fear is to be trapped in a life that I hate
80. I am extremely responsible
81. I am a very, very picky eater
82. I am a very unique Mormon (for example, I am not planning to get married any earlier than 25)
83. I sing ALL THE TIME
84. I like it when things are organized, but I often don’t organize things
85. I am going to go to college to be a pharmacist
86. I am very independent
87. I believe that women should be equal to men, in all things, even paying for dinner, but Iwouldn’t get mad if a guy wanted to pay for my dinner (does that make sense?)
88. I am not a sore loser
89. If I had the opportunity, I would be a psychiatrist
90. My room is almost never clean
91. I have never gotten anything less than an A-
92. I do not have a perfect body
93. I love blonde boys
94. I hate camping. Give me a hotel and a shopping trip, please
95. I love looking at the stars
96. I know that God loves me no matter what
97. I can play one song on the piano
98. I try my best to be really sincere
99. One day I want to live in a foreign country, just pack up and move to Spain or Italy or BrazilI
100. I want to fall head over heels in love

WHHOOOO i rock!! 

anyways, laterrrrrrrrr


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