Saturday, November 20, 2010

On the Concept of... Pirate Island:)

Pirate Island. Has anyone heard of it? Well it's a spin off of Chuck E Cheese. But pirate themed. Its extremely lame and cheesy. The waiters dress like pirates and have fake accents. The tokens for the arcade are expensive and the games are rigged. The pirate statues are stuffed with newspaper. Its lame and tacky and cheap. But I absolutely love it. I went last night with three of my friends for the first time since last year. The last time I went, I was going through some really rough patches, with self confidence and feeling unloved. But when I went to Pirate Island, it just made me so much happier, and ever since then I have had a special bond with the place. It was so weird to go back there, and think about how much my life has changed in one year. Its scary to me that I only have three more years and then I am done. Who knew that Pirate Island could drag up all these horrible memories, and then wipe them completely away? I just love that place :)

What made my day: Adam Hirchak
Why: because he won me 1400 tickets so that I could get the squishy ball I really wanted

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