Hello darlings (:
first post in two months?
life has changed. A LOT.
1st of all. I moved!!
Honestly, best decision ever.
OKAy i wish that i could live with caity, but my apartment is perfect
I have my own room, it takes 10 minutes to get to class, and i dont have to pay utilities
SO dope
thats all my stuff that i own.
it all fits into my car!
Adams Park Edgehill
So i did a little bit of re-decorating when I moved. I bought new sheets / pillow cases / pillows. I got rid of my owl blanket (pop quiz! who can tell me why i got rid of it??) I also changed all of my jewelry holders to different colors and got rid of some of the more childish looking things that I owned. I dont really know what came over me, but i absolutely could not put my old sheets on my bed. it all just escalated from there.
I cant even explain it. I just feel so much more like myself after getting rid of all the orange and green and yellow. I guess im my mothers daughter. She was a goth. HA
Cute backpacks (:
ummmm 2nd.
I became a vegetarian!!
last cafe rio salad with meat
my cafe rio order went from $9.14 to $2.76
shhhh i am totes conning them
i havent eaten meat for about a month and a half, and i am absolutely in love.
for now, i am planning on doing this forever.
Its funny though, literally everyone i have told i am a vegetarian has tried to convince me otherwise.
One of my managers even told me that its against the word of wisdom to be a vegetarian.
I was all, no. shhhhhh.
Also, the manager thing. dont even get me started.
So yeah. work is another thing.
Since school started ive been working 5 shifts a week, six when i work at the coppermill
its literally exhausting
So yeah, work is fine.
UMM thing number three that changed!!
My life is so full at the moment.
I am taking american institutions, calculus, chemistry, spanish 2020 and chem lab
SO much school.
honestly though, i love learning. I love understanding calculus and being able to differentiate equations and balance chemical reactions and study spanish poetry. im such a nerd hahaha but honestly,
typical gym pic. I was texting Dima, okay?
after 10 hours at the library Me everyday: bun, scarf calculus! Calc sucks. headphones, buying soda.
ummmmm hey! I changed my hair!
Before After
It took all of my strength to tell the lady to cut off all of the dead ends. It feels SO short, but its pink , which i love!
Austin finally came back!
and then shortly left two weeks later.
it was nice to have some time with him, even if i will probably never see him again.
like WTF is he doing to my missionary bear
Chillin at his apartment (which was right above mine!) making dinner after going to the gym.
This one is at the delta sig foam party. it was lame, but we had fun taking pictures!
we liked to make food at like 2 a.m. and chill aaaaall night. also, we are both freaking wierdos who stay up all night, so theres that.
Between concerts, school, studying, parties, going out to eat, shopping, day on the quad, even taking me to work sometimes we have been hanging out non stop. so i am slightly sad to see him go.
Heres all of the friends. we are missing Ellise and Connor, who refused to take a picture with us.
Again with the licking
is it weird that i love this picture?
ANYways. so thats life as of late.
heres a few more pictures, if youre not sick of them yet
I went home a couple times
Selfie of the yeeearrrr
Cait, Austin and I took a trip to SLC
It was soooo dope. We saw the sights, went to zupas and went shopping.
Life is pretty normal; college, friends, and work.
This will forever be one of my favorite pictures. Cait, Danni and I were all getting ready to go to work one morning, and we all happened to be upstairs at the same time. i thought we should take a picture to commemorate what we literally did all summer ; worked and barely ever saw each other.
p.s. look how FREAKING long my hair was!!
i have recently become obsessed with buying things off of ebay. its really bad.
also, shoes from platos closet = best thing ever
a poor college students got to
this was at 'If I Stay.' WORST MOVIE EVER.
Also, chugz is still a very real thing. Its so bad, but we go there like 3 times a week
Thanks for reading, my lovelies,
see you again hopefully sooner than two months
we'll see (:
also, everyone go listen to ODEZSA radio on pandora
it will change your life!
p.s. my blog is almost four years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay for reals now goodbye
hang up!
hang up!
no you hang up
oh she really hung up
oh she really hung up