Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Highliiiiiights arent just for your hair

Hello my friends! Im very sorry that i havent been posting lately, the lack of pictures kind of makes me not want to post :(

Well, a lot of stuff has happened over the past like, three weeks

Since its late, ill just write the highlights (:

- the christmas choir concert was a huge success!
- went to the golden corral for dinner with the young womens
- got cafe rio
- worked on the yearbook and submitted 4 pages!
- found out that i wasnt the english sterling scholar
- visited my grandpas grave with my family
- hung out with adam (twice!)
- wrote an english paper
- sang in the christmas assembly
- auditioned for a solo piece in the fundraising concert
- went to a 2 1/2 hour long city council meeting
- took my pharmacy tech finals and got A's on both of them
- got my USU acceptance letter and scholarship letter in the mail
- saw the Hobbit
- got completely stoked for the Host to come out ( IN MARCH )
- went christmas shopping with Nikki
- got retweeted by single probs on twitter
- got the new taylor swift CD
- had an amazing christmas
- went on a crazy journey around town asking people to preference with my valentunes group
- got my mom the perfect present
- got my new les miserable music
- actually got a surprise present on christmas! It was an ipod dock. I put it on my wish list as a far fetched fantasy that i assumed wouldnt happen ( like a smart phone ) and i was completely surprised when i got one!
- went to the gym and did the elliptical for the first time. It sucked.
- went on a date where i was the only senior
- ate waaaaaayyyy too much

All in all, it has been the best christmas break of my whole life!

Keep calm and carry on

See you all on new years eve (:

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